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Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. - Psalm 119:105

Germany faces war crime facilitation claims at The Hague, Israel withdraws troops from south Gaza


Germany to defend itself at The Hague

Preliminary hearings open on Monday at the United Nations’ top court in a case that seeks an end to German military and other aid to Israel.

The case alleges that Berlin’s assistance contributes to acts of genocide and violations of international law amidst the conflict between Israel and Hamas. 

Israel strongly denies its military campaign in Gaza amounts to breaches of the Genocide Convention.

Nicaragua brought the case against Germany, a key European ally of Israel and principal supplier of arms to its military. 

“We are calm and we will set out our legal position in court,” German Foreign Ministry spokesperson Sebastian Fischer said ahead of the hearings.

“We reject Nicaragua’s accusations,” Fischer told reporters in Berlin on Friday. “Germany has breached neither the genocide convention nor international humanitarian law, and we will set this out in detail before the International Court of Justice.”

The court will likely take weeks to deliver its preliminary decision and Nicaragua’s case will probably drag on for years.

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