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Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. - Psalm 119:105

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There are a few ways you may assist United Church of God, Birmingham in its efforts to serve Jesus Christ and the community. Every little bit helps and is appreciated.

We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Your contributions are tax-deductible.


One of the easiest and most valuable contributions you can make is to share us with your friends and family. Each page has the option on the bottom left to share it through your favorite social media.


The work of our ministry to the community is made possible by the generous contributions of those who recognize its value. As you have “freely received”, please consider financially supporting this Work.


You can help support this ministry by purchasing through, with no additional cost to you. Simply register (United Church of God, Birmingham, AL) and purchase your normal items through Amazon Smile and a small percentage of your purchase will support our efforts to share the good news of God’s soon coming kingdom.


We exist to serve the needs of those seeking a closer relationship with Jesus The Christ. Your feedback is needed to help us understand those needs. Contact us and let us know what we are doing right, what we can do better, and to answer important questions you may have.