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Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. - Psalm 119:105

Being Still

November 7, 2024

Table of Contents

Exodus 14:14

”The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.”

Life’s struggles can be daunting, sometimes making us feel like we’re backed up against an impenetrable wall with no way out. The Israelites felt the same when they were trapped between Pharaoh’s army and the Red Sea. But God told them to be still; He was fighting for them. This story isn’t just an historical event; it’s a spiritual blueprint. The same God who parted the Red Sea is fighting your battles today.

“Being still” isn’t about inactivity but about spiritual posture. It’s relinquishing control, letting go of our urge to fix things, and giving God room to move mightily on our behalf. When we do that, we create a spiritual environment where miracles can happen. Being still is actually a courageous act of faith, making space for God to show up and show off His power.

Psalm 111:10; 112:1 show the right One being feared, and this fear is directed positively toward the Kingdom of God and the glorifying of God. On the other hand, the fear of the wrong things will produce bad results for the Christian—perhaps not immediately, but eventually and always. We must realize this. The fear of the wrong thing can never produce good things for the Christian, except temporarily. In the long run, it will always produce bad things.

The fear of the wrong things, and then submission to the wrong things may reduce the pressure. It gets us off the hook but only for a while. The chances are great that the choice that led to us submitting to the wrong thing will, in the long run, actually make the pressure and the pain more intense.

A specific, powerful, and motivating negative fear inhabits every one of us. It must be confronted and overcome in this time of preparation because it destroys trust and inhibits our preparation for the Kingdom of God. It specifically inhibits growth of trusting God.


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