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Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. - Psalm 119:105

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In times past, in addition to the ceremonial feast system, the truth of God was spread by word of mouth and laborious hand-written letters and scrolls. Later, the printing press would make the scriptures more broadly available to the masses. Modern technology increased even more the rapidity through which knowledge could be transmitted: radio, television, and periodicals.

The internet would bring yet another powerful tool for spreading the gospel message. Websites would be the foundation for a slew of other technologies that would revolutionize the world.

Social media has become one of the more recent far-reaching tools for preaching the gospel and developing connections in the community.

In recognition of how important modern tools can be for spreading knowledge of God, we now have a Facebook page. Be sure to check it out. And feel free to help through your likes, following, and sharing.