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Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. - Psalm 119:105

The Parable in Luke 15

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January 20, 2022

Table of Contents

Bible Study by Neal Parker

The parable in Luke 15 is unique, in that it appears to be one parable with three distinct illustrations.

In Luke 15:3, Luke uses the term “this parable” before recording Jesus’ use of the Lost Sheep, Lost Coin and Lost Son illustrations.

If in our personal Bible Study, we utilize a contextual approach (analyze scripture within it’s given context) with reflective Biblical meditation (personal thought given to how these scriptures can apply personally to our thoughts, ways, etc.), we can see a more complete picture of the redemptive work of Jesus Christ, in the Lost Sheep (Jesus as the Good Shepherd), Lost Coin (we have great value to the God Family) and Lost Son (the love of the Father), for us, as individual Christians and all of mankind, in Father’s determined order.

The Lost Parable Video

The Lost Parable Presentation


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